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Letter: Licenses for Immigrants (New York Times)

To the Editor:

It is unfortunate that Lou Dobbs and certain New York politicians equate the restoration of undocumented immigrants’ access to driver’s licenses to assisting terrorists (“Lou Dobbs Crusades Against Spitzer’s Driver’s License Plan for Illegal Immigrants,” news article, Oct. 17).

Terrorists do not need driver’s licenses. A potential terrorist can board a plane, visit a mall or ride a subway without a state-issued ID. Granting driver’s licenses to undocumented immigrants who pass stringent document verification and anti-fraud tests will improve security by building trust between local law enforcement and immigrant communities.

It is time to face reality: one million undocumented immigrants live, work and pay taxes in our state. They need driver’s licenses to get to work, put food on their tables and provide for their children, many of whom are United States citizens. New Yorkers should commend Gov. Eliot Spitzer for protecting all residents of this great state.

Donna Lieberman
Udi Ofer
New York, Oct. 18, 2007

The writers are, respectively, executive director and legislative counsel, New York Civil Liberties Union.

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