The return of President Trump: His gains in New York don't mean N.Y.ers want his agenda
Civil Liberties Union
By Christopher Dunn and Donna Lieberman
Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly to look into reports that some officers tried to cover up for Joseph Gray, the convicted hit-and-run cop.
This step to crack down on police abuse is commendable, if not overdue. Now it’s time to go further and reinvigorate a police oversight institution that has been ineffective for too long — the Civilian Complaint Review Board.
To understand the source of this ineffectiveness, turn back to Sept. 16, 1992, when thousands of off-duty officers stormed City Hall to protest a City Council bill that would move the CCRB out of the Police Department and require that all board members be civilians. Rudy Giuliani, then running to unset Mayor David Dinkins, delivered a fiery speech at the demonstration and accused Dinkins, who supported the proposal, of being “anti-police.”
Notwithstanding this remarkable event — perhaps the only time Giuliani has supported a protest at City Hall — the City Council passed the bill, and the independent CCRB was created.
After Giuliani won the election, however, one of the hallmarks of his administration was hostility to civilian oversight of allegations of police misconduct. Through his public declarations, his control over CCRB appointments and budgets and his role in the Police Department’s refusal to cooperate with the CCRB, Giuliani ensured that during his eight years in office the board was a toothless watchdog.
Giuliani’s departure, combined with the reappointment of Kelly (who, ironically, was commissioner when the City Hall siege took place) and last month’s appointment of Hector Gonzales as CCRB chairman, has created the opportunity to reap the promises of the 1992 legislation.
To make the CCRB an effective monitor of policing, several actions must be taken now:
Dunn is assistant legal director and Lieberman is executive director of the New York Civil Liberties Union.