New York State Police - Misconduct and Discipline Data
Civil Liberties Union
No data was provided. In the words of the Nassau County Police Department: “Retrieving such data and generating reports responsive to the request would require NCPD to create a new data retrieval program.”
It’s unacceptable that one of the largest police departments in the country, with more than 2,000 officers serving a population of more than 1.3 million residents, cannot produce statistics on some of the most basic law enforcement interactions. Nassau County must ensure that its police department has systems in place for collecting and publicly reporting information on police practices. At minimum, departments should be able to report on stops, uses of force, and the offenses people are being arrested and ticketed for. Crucially, departments need to collect and report demographic information as part of the analysis, as this is essential for uncovering disparities and better equipping communities with the information they need to hold police departments to high standards of equitable and constitutional policing.
Additional Department Policies and Data: