New York State Police - Misconduct and Discipline Data
Civil Liberties Union
In the three and a half year period between 2012 and 2015 (excluding the first 6 months of 2013 due to missing data from the department), 1,002 complaints were filed, roughly half of which were initiated within the department. On average, one of every six officers was the subject of an external complaint annually.
Between January 2012 and May 2015, the Internal Affairs department launched 1,169 investigations. It is unclear whether or how these investigations overlap with complaint data provided by the department. Of the 1,083 investigations that were completed at the time the data was produced, 53% were not sustained by the department.
View Documents:
Guidelines for Investigating Officer Misconduct
Public Education Materials on the Complaint Process
Blank Public Complaint Form
Additional Department Policies and Data: