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Reproductive Rights: Minors’ Rights

Access to Contraception

The Reproductive Rights Project has done extensive work to increase access to birth control and emergency contraception (EC) throughout the state.

We have advocated for legislation requiring insurers who offer prescription drug coverage to provide coverage for contraception, and later fought to uphold that law against a challenge by religious-affiliated social service organizations.

Recent work has focused on access to EC; we have fought for laws requiring hospital emergency rooms to offer access to and counseling on EC, advocated on behalf of women who were denied access to EC, and pursued disciplinary actions against pharmacists who refused to fill prescriptions for EC.


if (is_array($issue_nodes))

=$label;?>  =l();?>

foreach ($issue_nodes as $issue_node)
$issue_node->field_summary[0][‘value’] .= ‘ ‘.l(‘Read More…’,’node/’.$issue_node->nid);
$u_time = strtotime($issue_node->field_release_date[0][‘value’]);
$s_time = date(‘F j, Y’,$u_time);

=l(‘‘.$s_time.’ – ‘.$issue_node->title,’node/’.$issue_node->nid,NULL,NULL,NULL,FALSE,TRUE);?>


//Query for Court Cases
$type = ‘content_court_cases’;
$label = ‘Court Cases’;
$issue_q = db_query(“SELECT tn.nid FROM term_node tn INNER JOIN node n ON tn.nid = n.nid where tn.tid = $issue_id AND n.type = ‘$type’ and n.status = 1 order by n.created LIMIT 3”);

$issue_nodes = NULL;
while ($issue = db_fetch_object($issue_q))
$issue_nodes[] = node_load($issue->nid);

if (is_array($issue_nodes))

=$label;?>  =l(‘(see all)’,’issues/’.$issue_name.’/’.$type);?>

foreach ($issue_nodes as $issue_node)
$issue_node->field_summary[0][‘value’] .= ‘ ‘.l(‘Read More…’,’node/’.$issue_node->nid);




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Civil Liberties Union