NYCLU Vows to Keep Fighting After Court Maintains Nassau Anti-Trans Sports BanĀ
Civil Liberties Union
“By abandoning the requirement of a court order to open mail or monitor phone calls, the Board of Corrections’ proposed changes would dramatically expand surveillance of private communications of those in detention,” said NYCLU Staff Attorney Corey Stoughton, who delivered the testimony. “Because prison officials readily can obtain a warrant when prisoner communications present a genuine security threat, these changes mark an unnecessary intrusion into the privacy rights of prisoners who have not been convicted of any crime.”
The changes, the NYCLU argued, would:
The changes would also increase crowding in prison rooms without increasing prison staffing to ensure safety; expand 23-hour cell lock-ins to detainees in protective custody; and deny prisoners contact visits with their families and friends during the first 24 hours of their jail stays.
“For the Board of Corrections to proceed down this path would do a fundamental disservice to prisoners and their families and would make all New Yorkers both less safe and less free,” said Donna Lieberman, NYCLU Executive Director.
The NYCLU recommended that the Board of Corrections withdraw the proposed amendments and conduct a full and fair deliberative process that considers civil liberties and public safety concerns before proposing any changes to the minimum standards for New York City jails.
In addition to testifying at the hearing (which began at 9:30 a.m. this morning at 22 Reade St., 1st floor), the NYCLU’s Stoughton will appear at a press conference with the Innocence Project, the Center for Constitutional Rights, and the Legal Aid Society (which will take place during the hearing’s lunch break, around 12:30, at the offices of the Legal Aid Society, 49 Thomas St., 1st floor).
Click here to read the NYCLU’s testimony (PDF).