Terry Ding
Terry Ding is a staff attorney at the New York Civil Liberties Union. He works on the full range of civil rights and civil liberties issues, including the NYCLU’s immigration work.
During law school, Terry participated in the Immigrant Rights Clinic’s work amplifying the voices of families harmed by immigration detention, as part of grassroots efforts to abolish this country’s practice of caging noncitizens. He also represented a Clinic client in removal proceedings. Terry spent his summers at public defender offices in Brooklyn, assisting New Yorkers fighting criminal charges and the immigration consequences of criminal convictions.
Before coming to the NYCLU, Terry served as a law clerk to Judge Edward Chen of the Northern District of California, and to Judge Michelle Friedland of the Ninth Circuit. Terry is a graduate of Harvard University and the New York University School of Law, where he was a Root-Tilden-Kern public interest scholar.