Nearly 100 Organizations Demand New York Lawmakers Reject a State Mask Ban
Civil Liberties Union
The New York State Assembly demonstrated its firm commitment to advancing the rights of women in New York State today by passing a package of equal pay protections, including A6075, legislation which closes loopholes that allow employers to pay women less and creates robust wage secrecy protections so employees cannot be retaliated against for sharing their wage information. The vote clears the way for Gov. Andrew Cuomo to sign the measure into law.
“Right now in New York the wage disparity between men and women is shameful, with full-time working women collectively losing more than $22 billion each year,” said New York Civil Liberties Union Executive Director Donna Lieberman. “New York women work hard to support themselves and their families, and we applaud the Assembly for supporting women and passing the workplace protections they need and deserve.”
The Assembly’s vote follows the Senate passage of equal pay protections earlier this year on January 12, and decades of advocacy and proposed legislation aimed at promoting pay equity in New York.