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Bipartisan Panel to Examine President Bush’s Plan for a National ID Card

Tonight, the New York Civil Liberties Union is hosting a town hall forum on President Bush’s Real ID Act, a plan to create America’s first national ID card.

Under President Bush’s vision, a Real ID card will become an internal passport for Americans and part of everyday life – a way to keep track of your movements, your activities and your lifestyle.

New York was the first state in the country to agree to implement the Real ID Act.

Join us in Manhattan on Thursday evening for this important forum where you will hear from national and local experts on what a national ID card system will mean for New Yorkers.

“Your Papers Please: What the Real ID Act Means for American Values,” a free community forum

The New York Society for Ethical Culture, 2 W. 64th St., Manhattan

Thursday, Jan. 24, 7 p.m.

Donna Lieberman and Udi Ofer, New York Civil Liberties Union
Jim Harper, the Cato Institute
Valerie Lucznikowska, September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows
Ed Ott, New York City Central Labor Council
Susan Lerner, Common Cause NY
State Sen. Eric Schneiderman, D-New York

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Civil Liberties Union