State Legislature Passes NY Health Information Privacy Act
Civil Liberties Union
Arthur Eisenberg, Legal Director of the NYCLU, noted that “these choreographed ‘perp walks’ have been found by the federal Court of Appeals to constitute unreasonable seizures in violation of the Fourth Amendment in circumstances where such perambulatory exercises serve no independent and justifiable law enforcement function. The practice seems calculated simply to cause public humiliation and embarrassment of the accused. Public humiliation within the community is, of course, an historic form of punishment. However, under our legal system, an accused individual is presumed to be innocent and any punishment that is to be imposed must follow conviction, not precede it.”
Beth Haroules, Staff Attorney at the NYCLU, further observed that “in addition to violating the Fourth Amendment and in addition to imposing the punishment of public humiliation prior to trial, these events created a media spectacle which makes it more difficult to protect the ‘fair trial’ rights of criminal defendants.”
Click here to read the letter.