NYCLU on State Plans to Surveil Parolees in NYC Subways
Civil Liberties Union
Project Liberty, a television show produced by the New York Civil Liberties Union, makes its broadcast debut tonight at 9 p.m. on channel 34, Manhattan Neighborhood Network. The half-hour show provides New Yorkers a sleek and compelling way to stay informed on important civil liberties issues of the day. The show is also posted on the NYCLU’s website.
The show is also posted on the NYCLU’s website.
“Project Liberty is an exciting to new way to keep New Yorkers informed of the civil liberties issues affecting their lives,” said NYCLU Executive Director Donna Lieberman. “The show debuts in Manhattan, but we plan to air future episodes throughout the city. Eventually, we hope to broadcast it on public access channels across the state.”
The premier episode blends the voices of real New Yorkers with NYCLU staff to examine the Dignity for All Students Act – a new anti-bullying law to protect New York’s public school students; the need to fix the nation’s broken immigration system; and the NYPD’s unconstitutional and racially biased stop-and-frisk practices.
The program also outlines some of the NYCLU’s legislative priorities for New York State this year, including legislation to allow gay and lesbian couples the freedom to marry, the Reproductive Health Act to update and strengthen the state’s abortion laws, and nonpartisan redistricting to counter the state’s long tradition of politicized gerrymandering.
New episodes will be produced on a quarterly basis. MNN can be reached via the RCN, Time Warner Cable and Verizon FiOS cable systems.
The episode can be viewed on the here.