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Civil Liberties Union
Praise for Governor Spitzer's Same-Sex Marriage Bill, Civil Service Department's pledge to grant benefits to legally married same-sex spouses The New York Civil Liberties Union today praised both Governor Eliot Spitzer's introduction of legislation that recognizes the right of same-sex couples to marry and the State Department of Civil Service's announcement that legally married same-sex spouses of state employees would be eligible for medical and other benefits.
The New York Civil Liberties Union today praised both Governor Eliot Spitzer’s introduction of legislation that recognizes the right of same-sex couples to marry and the State Department of Civil Service’s announcement that legally married same-sex spouses of state employees would be eligible for medical and other benefits.
The statements below can be attributed to NYCLU Executive Director Donna Lieberman. Same-sex couples who are affected by these developments and who are also available as spokespeople can be reached by contacting the NYCLU.
Regarding the marriage bill
“This is an historic day for the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender New Yorkers and their families,” Lieberman said. “Governor Spitzer deserves high praise for following through on his promise to recognize that all New York families should have access to the protections afforded by marriage.”
The NYCLU will join the Empire State Pride Agenda (ESPA) to bring thousands of New Yorkers to Albany this Tuesday to advocate for the passage of the Spitzer bill and other legislation protecting the rights of LGBT New Yorkers. ESPA’s marriage legislative scorecard currently shows 61 Assemblymembers and 18 Senators in support of marriage equality legislation — an increase from 35 Assemblymembers and 14 Senators last fall.
Regarding the Civil Service Department announcement
“Thousands of same-sex couples who have been legally married out of state will now have access to spousal coverage through their government employers,” Lieberman said. “By taking this action today the Department of Civil Service removes a barrier that has until now denied equal treatment to same-sex couples and their families.”
The announcement by the New York State Department of Civil Service makes clear that all state and local government entities that participate in the New York State health plan must now make legally married same-sex spouses of government employees eligible for benefits. The announcement mentions Canada, Massachusetts, Spain, South Africa, The Netherlands and Belgium as jurisdictions where same-sex couples can be legally married; marriages from those jurisdictions will be recognized under the new policy. The New York State health plan covers state employees and more then 700 school districts and municipalities across New York.