NYCLU and Parole Prep Secure the Release of Paroled, Terminally Ill Man After Legal Challenge
Civil Liberties Union
“The government is making unprecedented incursions into women’s reproductive lives,” said Donna Lieberman, executive director of the NYCLU. “This march is an effort to demand an end to such incursions and to alert the nation that reproductive freedom is in grave danger.” The current administration has pushed through Congress a ban on safe abortion procedures and it has launched a full-scale campaign against condoms, birth control and STD prevention.
“We’re facing an unprecedented attack on the whole range of reproductive rights that women and girls had thought they could take for granted,” said Rebekah Diller, director of the NYCLU’s Reproductive Rights Project. “With anti-choice forces in control of the White House and Congress, the chill wind that blows from Washington will reach even pro-choice bastions like New York.”
At least five busloads of pro-choice supporters from NYCLU in New York City marched in the nation’s capital. Thousands more from throughout New York State joined them in D.C.