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Civil Liberties Union
The Supreme Court today reaffirmed that businesses open to the public must be open to all in its decision in Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission.
The Supreme Court today reaffirmed that businesses open to the public must be open to all in its decision in Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission. The court did reverse the case based on specific facts relating to the Colorado Civil Rights Commission’s handling of the discrimination case, finding that members of the Commission had made statements evidencing anti-religious bias. It did not turn back the clock on equality by making state anti-discrimination laws unenforceable. The American Civil Liberties Union argued the case on behalf of Charlie Craig and David Mullins, who were refused service at a Colorado bakery because they are a same-sex couple.
The New York Civil Liberties offered the following comment from executive director Donna Lieberman on what the Supreme Court’s decision means for New York:
“The Supreme Court’s narrow decision in the Masterpiece Cakeshop case in no way opened the door to further discrimination. The court reaffirmed that state agencies can and should take action when businesses discriminate, including on the basis of sexual orientation. New York State has strong anti-discrimination laws on the books to ensure that businesses can’t discriminate based on who you are. All New Yorkers deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.”