NYCLU and Parole Prep Secure the Release of Paroled, Terminally Ill Man After Legal Challenge
Civil Liberties Union
NYCLU Attorney Beth Haroules spoke on Post-9/11 Issues on campus, exploring how projects like FERPA and SEVIS have impacted academic life across the state. Legislative Director Bob Perry discussed the profoundly damaging impact of the Rockefeller Drug Laws, and Abbi Ferguson, from the ACLU’s Capital Punishment Project provided vital information about the death penalty.
The focus later in the day shifted to building and supporting the efforts of each student chapter. Student Chapter Coordinator Nina Maturu and NYCLU staff members Yanilda Gonzalez and Steve Theberge facilitated the discussion which focused on strategies for communication and collaboration among chapters, as well as between chapters and the NYCLU main office. Much of the afternoon was spent exchanging ideas and organizing strategies between chapters. Participants left energized, inspired, and ready for a year of action across the state.
Among the chapters were represented were New York University, Columbia University, Albany Law School, Brooklyn Law School, Touro Law School, and Vassar College.