We Must Fight On: The 2025 Civil Rights Agenda
Civil Liberties Union
This report, released in November 1998, provides a review of the New York City Civilian Complaint Review Board five years after the agency was established. The report maintains that the CCRB was implemented in a manner that virtually ensured it would not provide the oversight called for in the City Charter. The report documents a number of serious problems. It reports that, with the exception of its record of performance reported in 1997, the CCRB had failed to conduct complete investigations into the overwhelming majority of police misconduct complaints received. It finds that the agency substantiated only about 5 of every 100 complaints filed and that only 1.5 percent of all complaints disposed of led to imposition of discipline. It blames then-Mayor Rudolph Giuliani using his control over the agency’s budget, board members and chairperson to hinder its ability to fulfill its charter-mandated mission of holding police officers accountable for misconduct.