Tienes derecho a filmar las acciones de ICE
Civil Liberties Union
Whether you identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, non-binary, gender nonconforming, or any other sexual orientation or gender identity (LGBTQ), you have the right to be yourself at school, and your school has an obligation to protect you from discrimination, harassment, and bullying. New York State law requires that every public school have a trained staff member whom you can go to if you are being bullied, harassed, or discriminated against. You shouldn’t have to fear going to school, using a locker room or restroom, or standing up for your rights at school. Knowing your rights is the first step to building an inclusive school climate.
This KYR is not a replacement for legal advice.
If you or your friends are being harassed, bullied, or discriminated against at school based on your sexual orientation or gender identity or expression, and your school is not doing something to stop the harassment, bullying, or discrimination, you can reach out to the NYCLU for help.
Call 212-607-3300
Email us at schools@nyclu.org
Visit www.nyclu.org
Mail us a letter at 125 Broad Street, 19th Floor, New York, NY 10004
To find a list of NYCLU chapter offices in your region, visit www.nyclu.org/regions.