Your Rights to Free Speech in Public Schools
Civil Liberties Union
As a minor, you may be afraid to talk to your parent or guardian about certain things, especially when it comes to making serious decisions that impact your health and overall well-being. Usually adults are the ones who make medical decisions for you. Though young people feel comfortable engaging in these discussions with their parents most of the time, that is not the case for some youth.
Did you know that in the state of New York, young people can make some of these decisions on their own? In some cases the law allows you to receive medical services, including services related to your sexual health, without your parents being involved in the process. Please visit our guide, What Teens Need to Know, for more information.
This KYR is not a replacement for legal advice.
These services are confidential. No one at the clinic or doctor’s office can tell anyone when or why you came in unless you say so.
The Door
212.941.9090 x3222
Health care, counseling, and legal services in NYC for free. Ages 12-21.
Planned Parenthood
Health services and help signing up for health insurance anywhere in New York State. All ages.
Health Outreach to Teens at Callen-Lorde
Health care and counseling in NYC in a LGBTQ-friendly environment. Ages 13-24.
STI Clinics List
New York Civil Liberties Union
We offer workshops for schools and community groups about teens’ rights to access confidential sexual health services.
Call 212.607.3300
Email us
Mail us a letter at 125 Broad Street, 19th Floor New York, NY 10004
To find a list of NYCLU chapter offices in your region, visit