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NYCLU v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (Seeking access to information about Lower Manhattan Security Initiative)

  • the scope of information to be collected about law-abiding people; how the police and federal government would use the information and who they’ll share it with;
  • how long the information would be stored;
  • any privacy protections within the system;
  • which private surveillance systems, such as bank security cameras, will be part of the system; and
  • how much money the federal government intends to spend on the system.

In September 2008, the NYCLU sued the NYPD in State Supreme Court to gain access to documents on the surveillance system after the police department had largely ignored a freedom of information request filed in October 2007. That case is pending. 

S.D.N.Y., Index No. 09 CV 5329 (direct) 

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Civil Liberties Union