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Suffolk County Chapter — Immigration Rally

Immigration Reform Rally May 1, 2009

Suffolk Chapter Rallies in Long Island for Immigrants’ Rights

Immigration Reform Rally May 1, 2009

On May 1, the Suffolk County Chapter joined a Long Island rally calling on Congress to debate and enact comprehensive immigration reform. Chapter Director Andrea Callan addressed the crowd on local laws and ordinances affecting Long Island immigrants and the need for a comprehensive solution to the country’s immigration crisis. The NYCLU supports comprehensive immigration reform legislation that would:

  • ensure a path to legalization for the millions of undocumented immigrants living in the United States and New York;
  • work to keep families together and not divide them.
  • ensure that immigrant workers are treated with dignity and respect, and worker’s rights are respected and enforced by law;
  • does not include a national identity card or worker ID card that will violate Americans’ privacy and work to keep immigrants and all workers from finding employment and making a decent living;
  • restore due process, fairness and transparency into the immigration system;
  • restore judicial oversight to the immigration system;
  • and finally, ensure that we have an immigration system that recognizes that respects human rights and civil rights.

Immigration Reform Rally May 1, 2009
Immigration Reform Rally May 1, 2009  


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